Tell the Postmaster General to Make Postal Banking a Reality Now!

Call on the Postmaster General to implement postal banking now. We need a non-profit banking option and we need to strengthen and preserve the United States Postal Service.

Sign the Petition!

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Give your feedback to the Office of Inspector General (OIG)!

The OIG is now gathering input on providing financial services at your post office. Supporters are making their voices heard!

Visit the OIG’s blog today to comment with your support for non-profit financial services at the post office.

Write a Letter

Write a letter to the editor of your local paper in support of postal banking.

Pass a Resolution!

Persuade your city/county council or organization to pass a resolution in favor of postal banking.

Here’s a sample resolution to get you started.

Check out a few examples of resolutions that have been passed:

Read all about it!

Check out the websites of the Campaign partners for more information on the alternative financial services industry, consumer protections, financial reform, the racial wealth gap, the Postal Service, and more!


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